2 Aug 2013


Welcome to the new Gifted Mathematics Solutions website. Here you will find the answers and guided solutions to some of the problems posted on GiftedMathematics.com.

Because of the linear nature of blogging platforms, I thought the best way to keep questions and answers linked but separated was to set up a parallel website.

Once a solution has been posted here, there will be a link from the original question. Often, very good and complete solutions have already been posted within the comments section under the original question; so please look there first. If you would like a solution to a particular question, then please ask for one in the comments and it will either be placed next in the queue for a full solution or answered briefly within the same comments section.

There is one thing that I am unsure about: whether to enable comments here at Gifted Mathematics Solutions. On the one hand, it means comments are split into two parts, yet on the other, it is more convenient to give alternative solutions on the same page as my own. For now, I shall enable comments.

I am also taking this opportunity to experiment with the layout of the site. The colour scheme has remained unchanged, but you now have a choice of architecture.

I hope these solutions will prove useful.
